Eight ECG beat detection algorithms, from the PhysioNet's WFDR and Cardiovascular Signal toolboxes, were tested on twenty measurements, obtained by the Savvy patch ECG device, for their accuracy in beat detection. On each subject, one measurement is obtained while sitting and one while running. Each measurement lasted from thirty seconds to one minute. The measurements obtained while running were more challenging for all the algorithms, as most of them almost perfectly detected all the beats on the measurements obtained in sitting position. However, when applied on the measurements obtained while running, all the algorithms have performed with decreased accuracy. Considering overall percentage of the faulty detected peaks, the four best algorithms were jqrs, from the Cardiovascular Signal Toolbox, and ecgpuwave, gqrs, and wqrs, from the WEDB Toolbox, with percentages of faulty detected beats 1.7, 2.3, 2.9, and 3, respectively.