This chapter focuses on the interactional dynamics of L2 English classrooms with an emphasis on how teachers mediate opportunities for learning. In L2 English classrooms, including English as a foreign language, English as a medium of instruction, and content and language-integrated learning settings, teachers require particular skills which allow them to make structures of L2 accessible through their interactional decisions. These teachers, we suggest, need an appropriate level of interactional competence to create opportunities and space where learning can occur. In this chapter, using data from a range of contexts, we present transcripts of video-recorded classes and demonstrate the ways in which learning is mediated, space created, and opportunities for learning established through a focus on Classroom Interactional Competence (CIC). We illustrate a variety of interactional practices that evidence CIC, including increased wait time, reduced teacher echo, and various feedback practices including the shaping of learner contributions. We also highlight the multimodal and multilingual aspects of CIC and discuss implications for L2 teacher education.