This paper presents tools for measuring the qualityof interaction in social mobile robotic telepresence. Themethodology is in part based on Adam Kendon’s theory of F-formations.The theory is based on observations of how bodiesnaturally orient themselves during interaction between peoplein real life settings. In addition, two presence questionnaires(Temple Presence Inventory and Networked Minds Social PresenceInventory), designed to measure the users’ perceptionsof others and the environment when experienced through acommunication medium were used. The perceived presence andease of use are correlated to the spatial formations between therobot and an actor. Use of the tools is validated experimentallyon a dataset consisting of interactions between an elder (actor)and 21 different users being trained in piloting a mobile robotictelepresence unit. The evaluation has shown that these tools aresuitable for evaluating mobile robotic telepresence and also thatcorrelations between the tools used exist. Further, also from alocal user perspective, the spatial formations have affected theperceived comfort in an interaction.