The purpose of this study was to develop an interview guide for use by primaryhealthcare professionals to support them in identifying the rehabilitation needs of forcedresettled women from the Middle East living with chronic pain. Previous findings togetherwith the existing literature were used as the basis for developing the interview guide in threesteps: item generation, cognitive interviews, and a pilot study. The study resulted in a16-item interview guide focusing on patients’ concerns and expectations, with considerationof pre-migration, migration, and post-migration factors that might affect their health. Withthe help of the guide, patients were also invited to identify difficulties in their daily activitiesand to take part in setting goals and planning their rehabilitation. The current interview guideprovides professional guidance to caretakers, taking a person-centered participative point ofdeparture when meeting and planning care, for and together, with representatives from dispersed ethnic populations in Sweden. It can be used together with the patient by all staffmembers working in primary healthcare, with the aim of contributing to continuity of careand multi-professional collaboration.