In the context of organizations in the servicescape (Bitner, 1992), ambient conditions include, temperature,music and scent. Branding can include sound and music in the area of sonic branding, e.g., associated with sodas, computergames, cell phones, amusement parks and movies. Sonic branding needs further research (Gustafsson, 2015). Live musiccan contribute in this area. To become a professional singer and musician you have to train skills extensively and alsoovercome stage fright, which illustrates the negativity bias of the brain. In the servicescape perspective learning fromapproach and avoid can determine success or failure. The goal of the research is to investigate how an average person cansuccessively become a part time musician and professional singer from a service marketing and leadership perspective. Acase study method is used with elements of action research. The case study is documented and analysed primarilybetween 2008 and 2018. Multiple sources of evidence are used with a time perspective. I work full time as assistantprofessor so artist life is outside my regular work. Three main phases in my development are analysed as well as thedevelopment of some colleagues. Between 2008 and 2011 I was a consumer of music, started meditation that led tosinging and later choir life as well as starting to become a singer on my own. Between 2012 and May 2016 I lived a richchoir life and developed my own artist life. Between June 2016 and 2018 I experimented with technology acquired duringan outdoor music festival, increased intensity in my life as a singer and musician. There is a structured analysis of selectionsfrom the account of episodes in the perspective of approach and avoid in the servicescape. Experimentation and learningof artists in different contexts, with support of social media, can lead to success over time.