Mainstream neoclassical economics claims to be value-free. This is an illusion. Neoclassical economics is specific in value and ideological terms and close to neoliberalism as ideology. Each alternative school of thought in economics is similarly specific but different from neoclassical theory in ideological terms. In a democratic society the close to monopoly position of neoclassical theory can not be defended.
Present development guided largely by neoclassical economics is unsustainable. Sustainable development interpreted in terms of the Brundtland Commission is a different ideological orientation. This ideological orientation need to be considered in decision making at the societal level.
Economics is redefined as multidimensional management of resoures in a democratic society. Positional Analysis is advocated as an alternative to neoclassical Cost-Benefit Analysis. One-dimensional trade-off analysis in monetary terms is replaced by multidimensional analysis in line with the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals. Issues of inertia and irreversibility in different dimensions is taken seriously and conclusions are conditional inrelation to each ideological diemension considered.
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