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A Balance of Social Inclusion and Risks: Staff Perceptions of Information and Communication technology in the Daily Life of Young Adults with Mild to Moderate Intellectual Disability in a Social Care Context
Mälardalen University, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Health and Welfare.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2929-9902
Mälardalen University, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Health and Welfare.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-5976-5193
Mälardalen University, School of Health, Care and Social Welfare, Health and Welfare.ORCID iD: 0000-0002-3680-9341
Dalarna Univ, Falun, Sweden.ORCID iD: 0000-0003-2511-9502
2019 (English)In: Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, ISSN 1741-1122, E-ISSN 1741-1130, Vol. 16, no 3, p. 171-179Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Background: Information and communication technology (ICT) has increased in importance and facilitates participation in several life areas throughout society. However, young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability make less use ICT than the general population. Disability services staff play a central role in supporting and enabling service users in daily life, and their perceptions of ICT are important to their role in service provision.

Aim: To describe staff perceptions of the role of ICT and how it affects daily life in young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability living in residential homes.

Method: Focus group interviews and individual interviews were conducted with staff working in residential homes in which young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability live. All materials were transcribed verbatim and analysed using latent content analysis.

Findings: Staff perceived ICT and, more specifically, the Internet as being supportive of both daily life and social relationships of these young adults, but they also viewed ICT as posing social risks. Perceptions of and support for ICT were related to staff perceptions about what is appropriate and manageable in relation to an individual resident’s functioning level. Staff members also considered the views of parents about appropriate content when providing support.

Discussion: Staff in residential homes for young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability use their implicit moral judgement about the use of ICT by residents. Their enablement of and support for ICT are not primarily based on the service user’s wishes or interests. This finding implies a risk that the organization of a conflict-free service provision is a higher priority than service users’ participation in social life.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
2019. Vol. 16, no 3, p. 171-179
Keywords [en]
Information and communication technology, intellectual disabilities, participation, social care, moral work
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences
Research subject
Social Work
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-40914DOI: 10.1111/jppi.12278ISI: 000487831200003Scopus ID: 2-s2.0-85062493953OAI:, id: diva2:1247502
Available from: 2018-09-12 Created: 2018-09-12 Last updated: 2020-11-17Bibliographically approved
In thesis
1. Participation through ICT: – studies of the use and access to ICT for young adults with intellectual disability
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Participation through ICT: – studies of the use and access to ICT for young adults with intellectual disability
2018 (English)Doctoral thesis, comprehensive summary (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

The right to full participation in society is stated in law to ensure that vulnerable groups such as people with intellectual disability have the same rights and possibilities as the general population. Technological development has changed the conditions of participation in society, including the types of interactions, information and societal services. Many young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability require support in daily life. In Sweden, this is provided by the government, and each municipality is responsible for the provision of social care for people with disability. The changes in society and technology require that the providers of social care adopt technologies to enable participation.

     The overall aim of the thesis was to identify the prerequisites for and aspects that enable the use of information and communication technology (ICT) and their effects on participation in daily life among young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability (ID) resident in municipal disability services.

     Using a quantitative descriptive approach, this thesis starts by mapping the organizational support throughout the country. This is followed by three qualitative studies. Focus group interviews with staff in residential care were conducted and analysed in Study II (a narrative analysis) and Study III (a content analysis). These studies focused on staff perceptions of the use of ICT by these young adults and how staff’s way of work enabled or hindered ICT use by these young adults. Study IV included interviews of young adults with mild to moderate intellectual disability living in municipal residential care about their daily ICT use.

     The thesis findings show that the municipal organizations lack a comprehensive strategy of support for the use of ICT and instead trust staff to provide the needed support to the young adults in daily life situations. Staff members described the difficulties they encountered when providing this support for ICT, which were partly because of the lack of organizational resources. Despite these perceived problems, staff members displayed enthusiasm about introducing and supporting ICT use for young adults with mild to moderate ID if adequate resources would be provided by the organization. They described both positive and negative aspects of ICT use by these young adults in relation to service provision and the young adults’ private lives.

Abstract [sv]

Rätten till fullt deltagande i samhället anges i lag, för att säkerställa att utsatta grupper såsom personer med utvecklingsstörning ges samma möjligheter som övriga befolkningen. Den tekniska utvecklingen har förändrat förutsättningarna för var, och hur delaktighet, i form av interaktioner, information och samhällstjänster, äger rum. Många unga vuxna med mild till utvecklingsstörning har behov av stöd i det dagliga livet. I Sverige tillhandahålls detta av samhället och varje kommun ansvarar för tillhandahållandet av funktionshinderomsorgen. Såväl samhällsutvecklingen som teknikutvecklingen kräver att funktionshinderomsorgen anpassar arbetssättet för att möjliggöra deltagande i, och genom tekniken. Det övergripande syftet med denna avhandling är därför att belysa förutsättningar för, och möjliggörande av informations- och kommunikationsteknik (IKT) och dess påverkan på delaktighet i det dagliga livet bland unga vuxna med lindrig till måttlig utvecklingsstörning inom kommunal funktionshinderomsorg.

     Inledningsvis användes en kvantitativ beskrivande ansats för att nationellt kartlägga det organisatoriska stödet för IKT inom den kommunala funktionshinderomsorgen. Detta följdes av tre kvalitativa studier. Fokusgruppintervjuer med personal inom funktionshinderomsorgen genomfördes och analyserades i studie II (innehållsanalys) och studie III (narrativ analys). Dessa studier fokuserar på personalens erfarenhet av de unga vuxnas IKT-användning samt hur deras arbetssätt möjliggör eller hindrar de unga vuxna att använda IKT. Den fjärde studien är en intervjustudie med de unga vuxna med mild till måttlig utvecklingsstörning, som bor i kommunal funktionshinderomsorg om deras dagliga IKT-användning.

     Resultaten visar att de kommunala organisationerna saknar en övergripande strategi för stöd till IKT-användning men förlitar sig på att personal ska ge stöd till de unga vuxna i vardagssituationer. Personalen redogör å andra sidan för svårigheter att ge stöd till IKT, delvis på grund av bristande organisatoriska resurser. Trots detta visar personalen entusiasm inför att vara de som introducerar och stöttar användningen av IKT, förutsatt att adekvata resurser ges från organisationen. Dessutom beskriver de både positiva och negativa aspekter av IKT-användning för de unga vuxna i förhållande till det dagliga stödet samt den unga vuxnas privatliv. En hindrande aspekt kan dock vara personalens risktänk av sociala medier i förhållande till utvecklingsstörningen, varför IKT och i synnerhet Internet ibland betraktas som olämpligt. De unga vuxna själva beskriver inte risker i deras IKT-användning, utan snarare en ganska normativ användning för sociala relationer, underhållning och ensamt tidsfördriv. Delaktighet i flera olika livssfärer beskrivs möjliggöras genom IKT-användning.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Västerås: Mälardalen University, 2018
Mälardalen University Press Dissertations, ISSN 1651-4238 ; 272
Environment, Information and communication technology, Intellectual disability, Participation, Social care
National Category
Medical and Health Sciences Health Sciences
Research subject
Social Work
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-40735 (URN)978-91-7485-404-6 (ISBN)
Public defence
2018-10-19, Delta, Mälardalens högskola, Västerås, 13:15 (Swedish)
Available from: 2018-09-12 Created: 2018-09-12 Last updated: 2019-11-07Bibliographically approved

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Ramsten, CamillaMartin, LeneDag, MunirMarmstål Hammar, Lena

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