The article describes a Swedish research project (year 2010-2012) founded on classroom observations and conversations with teachers. The objective is to follow up work on implementing computers as a learning tool in three pre/primary classes and one secondary school class, whilst teachers take part in a university course on ICT-knowledge, special education and measures programmes. Activity theory is used to highlight the relationship between human, environment and activity and the needs and motives that bring about changes in the work (Leontiev, sv 1986). The study includes 15 primary teachers, two preschool teachers and five secondary school teachers. The results show that the teachers' thinking and acting changed over time to be more aware of the possibility to create an inclusive environment in the classrooms (Wetso 2012a). Some teachers showed that they (year one) could balance the challenge to meet the children’s different needs for learning with the computer as a learning tool as well as caring for the transformation of the school the be more inclusive. They took the pedagogical leadership and left it up to a kind of wellbeing process for the school and created a multi-learning environment in the school context. Second year many teachers changed their strategies to promote the children’s learning more successfully. Third year almost all teachers had changed their procedure in practice to be more inclusive. A few teachers still sort children in categories. They had difficulties to see their own leadership and effects of activities related to process making for learning.
Keywords; ICT –knowledge, in-teacher training at university level, teachers’ leadership, special education, activity theory