We introduce non-associative Ore extensions, S = R[X; σ, δ], for any nonassociative unital ring R and any additive maps σ, δ: R → R satisfying σ(1) = 1 and δ(1) = 0. In the special case when δ is either left or right Rδ-linear, where Rδ = ker(δ), and R is δ-simple, i.e. {0} and R are the only δ-invariant ideals of R, we determine the ideal structure of the nonassociative differential polynomial ring D = R[X; idR, δ]. Namely, in that case, we show that all non-zero ideals of D are generated by monic polynomials in the center Z(D) of D. We also show that Z(D) = Rδ[p] for a monic p ∈ Rδ[X], unique up to addition of elements from Z(R)δ. Thereby, we generalize classical results by Amitsur on differential polynomial rings defined by derivations on associative and simple rings. Furthermore, we use the ideal structure of D to show that D is simple if and only if R is δ-simple and Z(D) equals the field Rδ ∩ Z(R). This provides us with a non-associative generalization of a result by Öinert, Richter and Silvestrov. This result is in turn used to show a non-associative version of a classical result by Jordan concerning simplicity of D in the cases when the characteristic of the field Rδ ∩ Z(R) is either zero or a prime. We use our findings to show simplicity results for both non-associative versions of Weyl algebras and non-associative differential polynomial rings defined by monoid/group actions on compact Hausdorff spaces.