Date: May 29/2018, June 5/2018
Level: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration, 15 cr
Institution: School of Business, Society and Engineering, Mälardalen University
Authors: Bethel Teferi Balcha Meriem Ramadan Negash
(95/08/11) (95/02/27)
Title: The enhancement of employee performance through Human Resource Management practices: a case study on Company X
Supervisor: Konstantin Lampou
Keywords: Training, development, performance appraisal, employee performance, ability, opportunity
Research Question: How is employee performance enhanced through the implementation of the training and development programs and performance appraisal systems?
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to explore how the multinational corporation Company X implements training and development programs and performance appraisal systems to enhance the employees’ performance.
Method: To gain an understanding on the phenomenon, primary data was collected and analyzed utilizing a case study. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach in the form of interviews in order to investigate the concepts in depth and evaluate with greater detail. Semi-structured face-to-face interviews, telephone interviews and email interviews were conducted. Secondary data was utilized to complement and support the primary data.
Conclusion: The implementation of trainings, development programs and performance appraisal systems at Company X increases the employees’ ability, motivates the employees and offers employees various opportunities, which enhances employee performance. Through the various methods of trainings and development programs, the required knowledge is obtained. Guidance is provided to help employees in their career paths, which enhances organizational effectiveness by improving an employee’s efficiency and motivation. The performance appraisal systems which are; Performance Development Appraisal, Ranking system and management by objectives, are utilized to evaluate the employee performance, to detect strengths and weaknesses and better fit the position of an employee. The opportunities provided at Company X increase an individual's performance by teaching and encouraging working smarter, planning better and prioritizing.
2018. , p. 52
Training, development, performance appraisal, employee performance, ability, opportunity