Date: 2008-05-26
Program: International Marketing
Course Master Thesis International Marketing (EF0705)
Authors Parunya Vanasakul
Ploychompoo Wankeao
Supisra Arayaphong
Teacher Tobias Eltebrandt
Title The battle of DTAC in Thailand’s mobile phone operator market
Strategic question How can DTAC gain higher market share by focusing on customers in
Purpose The purpose of this research is to investigate, analyze current
competition between DTAC and other competitors with customer
insight in order to find out the possibility for DTAC to gain more
market share in Thai telecommunication market by focusing on
customers in Bangkok area.
Theory and
Researchers apply ‘Business Strategy theory and Marketing mix for
service company or 7Ps’ to answer the strategic question by collecting
primary data from questionnaire and interview, while the secondary
data are collected from various reliable sources. The analysis of the
data has been preformed in accordance with the chosen theories and
summarized in a table, which serves a tool for deriving reliable and
relevant conclusions.
Target audience Our Master Thesis’ analysis and conclusion will contribute very
positive benefit and useful information towards Total Access
Communication Public Company Limited (DTAC). Researchers
strongly believe that the company’s intend to use this study as a base
for their further business strategies. We also consider that our
research could give general guidance and will be of benefit to
marketers in similar fields on how to analyze competitive
Conclusion From the result of internal and external evaluation matrix, DTAC can
gain advantage of the opportunities and reduce negative effects from
the threats as well as reinforce the strengths and minimize the
weaknesses efficiently. As a consequence, in order to gain higher
market share in Thai mobile phone market, DTAC has to improve the
overall elements of marketing mix for service company (7Ps)
substantially. To enhance competitive position in the market, DTAC
has to increase company performance especially in quality of signal,
sale promotion, in-store advertisement, store image, store layout and
decoration and store facility elements because of DTAC received lower
of satisfaction rate compared to what customer expected.
Furthermore, strengthening the other attributes in each element of
Product, Price, Place, Process, Promotion, People and Physical
evidence also help DTAC to gain higher market share.
Akademin för hållbar samhälls- och teknikutveckling , 2008. , p. 100