This study explores the impacts of materials, such as adsorbents and electrodes, on the energy efficiency of a 4-step ESA cycle for CO2 capture. Three types of adsorbents including activated carbon honeycomb monolith (ACHM) and two hybrid adsorbents are compared, and two kinds of electrodes such as aluminum and brass are combined for comparative analysis. Process description of ESA cycle, including feed, electrification, electrification with purge and cooling, is presented via the adsorption isotherm diagram. By the theory of thermodynamic carbon pump, sensitivity analysis of cycle parameters is evaluated in terms of the second-law efficiency (Eff2nd) and the electrical heating efficiency (Effele). The results show that Eff2nd of the employed adsorbents is in the range of 1.17%-6.15%, and Effele of the selected electrodes is between 27.46% and 60.91%. Among the three adsorbents, Eff2nd of ACHM is the lowest one compared to the others. Similarly, Effele of the combination with brass is superior to that of the groups with aluminum. However, the actual efficiency of ESA cycle is the production of both Eff2nd and Effele, which is approximately 1.03%-3.66%. Typical measures are proposed to reduce the heat loss of the adsorbents and electrodes as well for future work.