Date: May 28th, 2008
Course: Master thesis, EFO705
Authors: Prapanrat Prommeenate 830202
Ruechupan Chookruvong 811004
Tutor: Tobias Eltebrandt
Title: Political Marketing: Brand Personality for Generation Y Thai voters.
Problem: What are the important characteristics in brand personality of political parties and leaders for Generation Y Thai voters? And how the parties should communicate them with the Generation Y Thai voters?
Purpose: The aim of this thesis is to investigate and analyze the brand personality of the ideal political party and the ideal political leader for Generation Y Thai voters and compare with two biggest parties from the 2007 election. Furthermore, the paper will recommend how to communicate those characteristics of the brand personality to Generation Y Thai voters in five regions.
Method: Preliminary interviews are conducted to have a rough picture of Generation Y Thai voters’ opinion from five regions. Then, the information helps formulate the questionnaire. The questionnaires are distributed to investigate the ideal brand personality as well as the brand personality of two exist biggest parties in Thailand.
Conceptual Framework: Brand personality concept is being used as the main framework. In addition, the integrated marketing communication is used to explain how the brand personality should be distributed.
Conclusion: The thesis offers the important traits and characteristics of the parties and leaders for the Generation Y Thai voters. Additionally how the parties should communicate the brand personality is recommended.
Ekonomihögskolan , 2008. , p. 101