Vital signs monitoring for elderly in daily life environment is a promising concept that efficiently can provide medical services to people at home. However, make the system self-served and functioning as personalized provision makes the challenge even larger. This paper presents a case study on a Health-IoT system where an intelligent healthcare service is developed to monitor vital signs in daily life. Here, a generic Health-IoT framework with a Clinical Decision Support System (CDSS) is presented. The generic framework is mainly focused on the supporting sensors, communication media, secure and safe data communication, cloud-based storage, and remote accesses of the data. The CDSS is used to provide a personalized report on persons health condition based on daily basis observation on vital signs. Six participants, from Spain (n=3) and Slovenia (n=3) have been using the proposed healthcare system for eight weeks (e.g. 300+ health measurements) in their home environments to monitor their health. The sensitivity, specificity and overall accuracy of the DSSs classification are achieved as 90%, 97% and 96% respectively while k=2 i.e., top 2 most similar retrieved cases are considered. The initial user evaluation result demonstrates the feasibility and performance of the implemented system through the proposed framework.