In this paper, a sensitivity analysis and a calibration were applied to a recent published model used to replicate N2O emissions in an Anammox process of a moving-bed biofilm reactor (MBBR). The model used in this study was designed to replicate a one-stage nitrification-Anammox system in a MBBR at Hammarby-Sjöstad pilot plant (Stockholm, Sweden), whichtreats of anaerobic digestion liquor. The aeration was intermittently (45/15 minutes - on/off). During the aeration, a 1.5 mg/L DO set-point was set. Three main measurements wereobtained: NH4 in water, N2O in both water and gas phase.The sensitivity analysis was done via the one-at-a-time method, where one parameter at a timeis changed (in our case, 10%) from its nominal value and the model output is quantified. Next,the most sensitive parameters were used in the model calibration. Results indicate that the biofilm porosity (η [-]), biofilm density (ρ [gTS/m3]), maximum biofilmthickness (Lmax [mm]) and boundary layer thickness of the biofilm (L0 [μm]) were the mostsensitive parameters of the model. These parameters performed the model calibration.