The aim of the study is to investigate the viability of waste gasification based off-grid electricity gener- ation utilizing mixed biomass composts (mixture of rice hulls with cow/poultry manure compost). The economic viability is studied on the different scenarios with considerations of (1) levels of electricity demand and utilization, (2) costs of variable biomass mix, (3) combined domestic and cottage industry business model, and (4) influence of governmental investments. The levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) is used as an indicator to measure the competitiveness of gasification based off-grid electricity genera- tion. The plant loading and the capacity factor have been used to assess the impacts of different scenarios. A sensitivity analysis of key parameters based on variations in annual operational hours, plant efficiency, plant cost and biomass supply cost is conducted. Based on levels of electricity demand and utilization, the LCOE ranged between 40 US cents/kW h and 29 US cents/kW h based on the plant loading and the capac- ity factor. The business revenue would not change considerably despite better plant utilization and reduced levelized cost of electricity if all the consumers, both basic or medium, are charged with the flat tariff. The part load operation will be costly despite considerably low capital investment per kW in com- parison with PV or solar based plants. There is a large potential of off-grid electricity generation but the estimated off-grid electricity price is found to be higher in all scenarios than average grid-based electric- ity tariff. Moreover, the challenges for the implementation of the real off-grid electricity generation plant are discussed.