There is a plethora of models, techniques and toolsthat support model- and component-based software developmentof vehicular distributed embedded systems. However, a large ma-jority of them have a limited or no support to model and specifyend-to-end resource reservations on the software architecturesof these systems. Resource reservations allow flexibility duringthe development and execution of such complex systems withoutjeopardizing their predictable behavior. As a result, severalapplications in the system that share the same hardware platformcan be developed independently. In this paper we identify severalrequirements that any existing component model should fulfill inorder to support the modeling of end-to-end resource reservationson the software architectures of such systems. As a proof ofconcept, we extend the Rubus Component Model (RCM) byfulfilling these requirements. RCM is used for the development ofcontrol functionality in vehicular embedded systems by severalinternational companies. We also provide a technique to extractexecution models from the software architectures of these systemswith resource reservations. In order to show the usability of ourtechnique, we model a vehicular distributed embedded systemwith the extended component model and extract the executionmodel from the software architecture augmented with end-to-endresource reservations.