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Space for Creative Dialogue: context and content in practice
Mälardalen University, School of Innovation, Design and Engineering. (IPR)ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0012-7127
2012 (English)Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Abstract: How do Spaces for Creative Dialogue evolve and how are they experienced in practice? In this paper we will present findings on how space is experienced by informants in the structure of a dialog seminar in an innovation research project. We are investigating the relationship between the physical context and mental content, between the created mental space and the experience of physical space. In the project studied here, the aim of the research was to share ideas and also to develop strategies and methods for radical change in production systems in manufacturing industry from an engineering, innovation and design research perspective. In a way the research project itself was under the demand to be innovative and different competences had to work together. In the method of dialog seminars the explanation of the organisation is focused around the structure of the seminar, but the physical spaces is an unexplored part of the dialog seminar. The success of the innovation process today depends on the use of both organizational structure and physical space. Furthermore, the organizational structure and physical space must be designed to encourage the very communication that spurs innovation, a view put forward by Allen and Henn (2007). So, how was the project organised to encourage a dialogue that spurs innovation and how were the physical spaces experienced? Keywords: creative spaces; dialogue; thinking style; radical innovation.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
National Category
Engineering and Technology
Research subject
Innovation and Design
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-17416OAI:, id: diva2:579747
Innovating the Experience Economy – Design, Consumption and Concepts, 11-12 June, Roskilde, Denmark

This research conference aims at presenting the latest research about how experiences are provided and received, and experiences' impact on the economy and social life. We intend to see it in an innovative perspective: How is the experience economy developing? Can research contribute with design and marketing models, new fundamental understanding and new business models that can contribute to innovating experience production and markets?

Available from: 2012-12-20 Created: 2012-12-20 Last updated: 2013-12-03Bibliographically approved

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Andersson Schaeffer, Jennie

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School of Innovation, Design and Engineering
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