The style of cognition which is examined by Carina Söderlund & Pete Evans is the participatory or collaborative design (codesign). This “de-signing together”, which is developed through the help of the immersive virtual reality devices, also permits the co-presence, i.e., to become aware of the presence of the other team members, while collaborating. This tech-nique can be used to exhibit ideas or products. Furthermore, the users can participate in such digital devices or displays in order to view and interact in public spaces ("museum exhibitions").The authors take as starting point the temporal continuity in design and study the connections of design and virtual reality (VR) to a detailed de-gree. The result is quite up-to-date and future-oriented, although the short history of digital simulation is considered. The discussion combines en-vironmental studies in the psycho-social realm. Then the idea of a multi-sensory approach connects visual space with tactile experience. This idea is enlarged up to introspection in general and as a self-reflective study method.