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Using Docker in Process Level Isolation for Heterogeneous Computing on GPU Accelerated On-Board Data Processing Systems
Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, Inbyggda system.ORCID-id: 0000-0001-8096-3891
Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, Inbyggda system.ORCID-id: 0000-0001-7586-0409
Mälardalens högskola, Akademin för innovation, design och teknik, Inbyggda system.ORCID-id: 0000-0002-8785-5380
2019 (engelsk)Konferansepaper, Publicerat paper (Fagfellevurdert)
Abstract [en]

The technological advancements make the intelligent on-board data processing possible on a small scale of satellites and deep-space exploration spacecraft such as CubeSats. However, the operation of satellites may fall into critical conditions when the on-board data processing interferes strongly to the basic operation functionalities of satellites. In order to avoid these issues, there exist techniques such as isolation, partitioning, and virtualization. In this paper, we present an experimental study of isolation of on-board payload data processing from the basic operations of satellites using Docker. Docker is a leading technology in process level isolation as well as continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) method. This study continues with the prior study on heterogeneous computing method, which improves the schedulability of the entire system up to 90%. Based on this heterogeneous computing method, the comparison study has been conducted between the non-isolated and isolated environments.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Emneord [en]
Process level isolation, Docker, On-board data processing, Heterogeneous computing, cgroups, Linux
HSV kategori
URN: urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-45939OAI:, id: diva2:1369130
12th IAA Symposium on Small Satellites for Earth Observation, Berlin, Germany
DPAC - Dependable Platforms for Autonomous systems and ControlTilgjengelig fra: 2019-11-11 Laget: 2019-11-11 Sist oppdatert: 2019-12-13bibliografisk kontrollert
Inngår i avhandling
1. Improving On-Board Data Processing using CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Architectures for Real-Time Systems
Åpne denne publikasjonen i ny fane eller vindu >>Improving On-Board Data Processing using CPU-GPU Heterogeneous Architectures for Real-Time Systems
2019 (engelsk)Licentiatavhandling, med artikler (Annet vitenskapelig)
Abstract [en]

This thesis investigates the efficacy of heterogeneous computing architectures in real-time systems.The goals of the thesis are twofold. First, to investigate various characteristics of the Heterogeneous System Architectures (HSA) compliant reference platforms focusing on computing performance and power consumption. The investigation is focused on the new technologies that could boost on-board data processing systems in satellites and spacecraft. Second, to enhance the usage of the heterogeneous processing units by introducing a technique for static allocation of parallel segments of tasks.

The investigation and experimental evaluation show that our method of GPU allocation for the parallel segments of tasks is more energy efficient compared to any other studied allocation. The investigation is conducted under different types of environments, such as process-level isolated environment, different software stacks, including kernels, and various task set scenarios. The evaluation results indicate that a balanced use of heterogeneous processing units (CPU and GPU) could improve schedulability of task sets up to 90% with the proposed allocation technique.

Abstract [sv]

Denna avhandling undersöker effektiviteten hos heterogena datorarkitekturer i realtidssystem. Målet med avhandlingen är tvåfaldigt. Till att börja med, att undersöka olika egenskaper hos plattformar baserade på Heterogeneous System Architecture, med fokus på datorprestanda och strömförbrukning. Undersökningen är inriktad på tekniker som kan öka datorbehandlingssystemen ombord i satelliter och rymdskepp. För det andra förbättra användningen av heterogena arkitekturer genom att införa en teknik för statisk allokering av parallella programsegment.

Undersökningen och den experimentella utvärderingen visar att vår metod för effektiv användning av GPU-allokering för parallella programsegment är den mest energieffektiva jämfört med någon annan studerad allokering. Undersökningarna har genomförts i olika typer av miljöer, såsom processisolerad miljö, olika mjukvarustackar, inklusive kernel, och olika uppsättningsscenarier. Utvärderingsresultaten indikerar dessutom att en balanserad användning av heterogena beräkningsenheter (CPU och GPU) kan förbättra schemaläggningen för vissa program upp till 90% jämfört med de tidigare föreslagna allokeringsteknikerna.

sted, utgiver, år, opplag, sider
Västerås: Mälardalen University, 2019
Mälardalen University Press Licentiate Theses, ISSN 1651-9256 ; 286
on-board data processing, CPU-GPU, heterogeneous architectures, real-time systems
HSV kategori
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-45940 (URN)978-91-7485-450-3 (ISBN)
2019-12-18, Kappa, Mälardalens högskola, Västerås, 09:15 (engelsk)
DPAC - Dependable Platforms for Autonomous systems and Control
Tilgjengelig fra: 2019-11-11 Laget: 2019-11-11 Sist oppdatert: 2019-11-19bibliografisk kontrollert

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Tsog, NandinbaatarNolin, MikaelBruhn, Fredrik

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Tsog, NandinbaatarNolin, MikaelBruhn, Fredrik
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