The hardware that computers consist of may for dierent reasons be
dicult to monitor, the price may be high or the hardware itself may be
unavailable. The most apparent reason though is the fact that hardware
generally is not transparent, i.e. the hardware does not provide informa-
tion on how a task is conducted, only its result. To provide a virtual en-
vironment that enables simulation according to specic input parameters
eectively solves many of the issues associated with hardware evaluation.
Simulation has applications everywhere, not the least in computer science:
From the low level of micro code all the way up to interpreting a high level
implementation on top of a profound software stack. This thesis entails a
virtual environment running a MIPS pipeline, although the simulator is
implemented in the high level language C, it executes simulation at the
fairly low level of assembler code. When provided with a user specied
conguration le, the environment allows simulation of MIPS assembler
programs, through the CPU, via interconnecting buses, ending at the level
of virtual memory.
2012. , s. 38