Title: An Indian Entrepreneur Establishing Business in Europe
Course: Master Thesis EFO705 in International Business and Entrepreneurship,
Swedish credit points (15 ECTS)
Authors: Xiaoran Wang and Amit Vaghela
Tutor: Leif Linnskog
Problem: How did Mr. Deepak Soni establish and develop his company Anora Pvt
Ltd in Poland, a company operating in the branch of textile and clothing?
From this research problem, the dissertation will be focused on the
Purpose: The aim of thesis is to understand and describe the way an Indian
entrepreneur succeeded in establishing and developing a viable business in
Europe, i.e. to understand and describe how Mr. Deepak Soni established
and developed Anora Pvt Ltd in Poland, a company operating in the
branch of textile and clothing.
Method: This dissertation is based on qualitative study for the researchers to study
the internationalization process of Anora, Ltd in Europe. Qualitative study
is better for us to look into the internationalization process of Anora and
fulfill our purpose.
Theories: Uppsala-Model, Network Theory, and International Entrepreneurship build
the theoretical frame of reference.
Target Group: Our research findings will be submitted to the company Anora, Poland
and to students and researchers as we will provide important information
regarding their Internationalization Process
Conclusion: This paper has offered Anora’s empirical findings. During the analysis part,
with the help of theories we choose, we have had better understanding of
internationalization process. Moreover, we have successfully achieved the
aim to understand and describe the way an Indian entrepreneur succeeded
in establishing and developing a viable business in Europe. Moreover,
Researchers have displayed the components in the model refined,
commitment, knowledge, relationships and entrepreneurship are not
isolated, and each of them has interplayed with others. For researches in
internationalization process in future, we recommend researchers should
considerate all components as a whole rather than insularly thinking over
only one components.
Västerås: Mälardalens högskola , 2008. , s. 45