Society is responsible for protecting children who are in need and the school plays a particularly important role in detecting and acting. The obligation to report is statutory in Sweden and means that everyone who works with children is obliged to report to social services if a child is in need. For those children who are in need, it is vital that school staff fulfil their duty to report and take this very seriously. This thesis examines through a qualitative vignette study, how teachers experience their knowledge and education regarding children who are in need, when a report of concern should be made and identification of children who are in need. With the help of previous research on the area as well as development ecology theory and the concept of neglect the results were analyzed. The results found difficulties in the teachers in identifying children who are in need and deficiencies in the actions of children in need, which is based on ignorance. The results show that teachers perceive a knowledge gap in their teacher education and demand more knowledge about children who are in need. In conclusion, the authors see a need for a change of perspective where a clearer child focus is required to address the problem.