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Köping Olsson, Bengt, UniversitetslektorORCID iD
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Publications (10 of 35) Show all publications
Köping Olsson, B. & Ivory, C. (2024). Craft skills exposure in a work team’s routinized creative practice. In: 2024 ISPIM Innovation Conference: “Local Innovation Ecosystems for Global Impact”. Paper presented at XXXV ISPIM INNOVATION CONFERENCE.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Craft skills exposure in a work team’s routinized creative practice
2024 (English)In: 2024 ISPIM Innovation Conference: “Local Innovation Ecosystems for Global Impact”, 2024Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This paper explores collectively shared and sustained craftsmanship, worker agency instantiated by physical fixtures and collective creativity in work processes and contrasts this practice with a pilot test of extended digitisation of tools, i.e. the application of augmented reality. The ability of the collective to establish, maintain and recover meaningful activities, procedures and processes is important in most workplaces and in collaboration in social groups. Collective know-how, i.e. procedural memory. The unit of study is an industrial team creative practice developing fixtures to support the assembly procedures of lever tumbler locks. Collective practices establish the skills needed to carry out a particular set of procedures. In summary, craft skills exist relationally - in the relationships between materials, objects, technologies, memory, feeling, different human actors and the chains of associations between them.

workplace agency; fixture methodology; craftmanship; collective creativity; relational skill development
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-68282 (URN)
UpSkilling for Industry 5.0 roll out
EU, Horizon 2020, 16586
Available from: 2024-08-29 Created: 2024-08-29 Last updated: 2025-01-07Bibliographically approved
Köping Olsson, B. (2024). Review Report on "Dance/movement interventions and students exceptionalities: A critical review".
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Review Report on "Dance/movement interventions and students exceptionalities: A critical review"
2024 (English)Other (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This review is based on 82 research studies that use physical activity intervention methodology, published between 2013-2023. In their critical analysis the authors found that few research studies (6%) address participants with exceptionality characteristics, which is interesting and in itself an argument for developing research methodology with a focus on this important and current topic.

National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-68395 (URN)
Available from: 2024-09-10 Created: 2024-09-10 Last updated: 2024-10-31Bibliographically approved
Köping Olsson, B. (2023). Collaborative Creativity. In: Prof. Diana Da Silvia and Dr. Marinho Araujo (Ed.), Psychology and Philosophy of Creativity: (pp. 1-20). London: InTech
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Collaborative Creativity
2023 (English)In: Psychology and Philosophy of Creativity / [ed] Prof. Diana Da Silvia and Dr. Marinho Araujo, London: InTech, 2023, p. 1-20Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This chapter is based on the author’s research on group creativity and educational initiatives in the private and public sectors as well as in higher education courses at an advanced level. The contribution is derived from both qualitative and quantitative methodological approaches to present in-depth knowledge of creative collaboration and competence as well as training of the necessary skills needed to activate both the prerequisites and predictors for creativity. Research shows correlations between experiences of flow in idea-generating group activities and group members’ integrative social behavior. In addition, it is shown that training for increased divergent thinking also develops broadened attention, openness, and flexibility for perspective shifts. A conceptual framework is presented to construct a model of research design on collaborative creativity with the purpose of enabling comparisons between study’s methodology and findings to continue developing this field of research with joint efforts. The chapter advances the view that the impact of activities training group-based creativity should be elevated in importance beyond individual brilliant ideas because creative collaboration develops abilities to take initiative, make decisions and interact constructively together

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
London: InTech, 2023
social interaction, synchronised flow, mindfulness and openness, fluency and flexibility, research design
National Category
Other Engineering and Technologies not elsewhere specified
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-62292 (URN)10.5772/intechopen.110608 (DOI)
Available from: 2023-04-19 Created: 2023-04-19 Last updated: 2023-04-20Bibliographically approved
Köping Olsson, B. (2022). Covarying effects of creativity studies on academic performance in innovation processes. In: Proceedings of the XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World" / [ed] Leandro Bitetti; Iain Bitran; Steffen Conn; Jessica Fishburn; Eelko Huizingh; Marko Torkkeli; Jialei Yang, Lappeenranta University of Technology Press, 2022: . Paper presented at The XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World", held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 05 June to 08 June 2022. (pp. 1-20). Lappeenranta University of Technology Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Covarying effects of creativity studies on academic performance in innovation processes
2022 (English)In: Proceedings of the XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World" / [ed] Leandro Bitetti; Iain Bitran; Steffen Conn; Jessica Fishburn; Eelko Huizingh; Marko Torkkeli; Jialei Yang, Lappeenranta University of Technology Press, 2022, Lappeenranta University of Technology Press, 2022, p. 1-20Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The aim of this paper is to investigate the effects of the relationships between personal characteristics, thinking preferences and learning activities on academic achievements in creativity studies for innovation management. Development of theory related reflexivity on creative experiences and competence as well as training of required skills in innovation processes needs to activate both the pre-requisites and predictors of creativity (OECD, 2019). Statistical analysis of quantitative data and qualitative data collected within the framework of a course aiming to develop competence and skills for creativity in innovation processes’ is presented. The results are related in the model for covarying creativity constructs based on the statistical correlation and regression analyzes. Based on this developed understanding consequences for developing creativity competences

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Lappeenranta University of Technology Press, 2022
creativity; innovation process; cognitive and social flexibility; creativity training; attitude; aptitude.
National Category
Engineering and Technology Production Engineering, Human Work Science and Ergonomics
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-59378 (URN)978-952-335-694-8 (ISBN)
The XXXIII ISPIM Innovation Conference "Innovating in a Digital World", held in Copenhagen, Denmark on 05 June to 08 June 2022.
Available from: 2022-06-28 Created: 2022-06-28 Last updated: 2022-06-29Bibliographically approved
Magyaródi, T., Köping Olsson, B. & Harmat, L. (2022). Flow synchronisation and shared emotions towards understanding collective flow experience. In: Tatiana Chemi, Elvira Brattico, Lone Overby Fjorback, László Harmat (Ed.), Arts and Mindfulness Education for Human Flourishing: . London: Routledge
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Flow synchronisation and shared emotions towards understanding collective flow experience
2022 (English)In: Arts and Mindfulness Education for Human Flourishing / [ed] Tatiana Chemi, Elvira Brattico, Lone Overby Fjorback, László Harmat, London: Routledge, 2022Chapter in book (Other academic)
Abstract [en]

Positive psychology aims to study positive subjective experiences and traits and institutes to support flourishing, but beyond individual research, more studies are needed at the interpersonal level also.

Optimal experience (flow) is a subjective experience; when the person is totally immersing in an activity, attention is absorbed in the challenges which are in balance with the person's skills. Although it is a subjective experience, social interactions can be its source.

Theories which may explain flow in social interactions – e.g. emotional contagion, crossover of states/experiences and social coordination – emphasise the automatic synchronisation of emotional, behavioural and psychophysiological patterns and the increased value of interpersonal experiences.

Coordination effect of interactional functioning was highlighted in the studies of group flow. Based on the descriptions of flow in social interactions, the partners' optimal experience may be synchronised with each other through a cooperative, challenging activity.

The experience of flow in a shared, cooperative activity can contribute to the fulfilment of the basic human needs, supporting the person to develop competences, to use social skills, to improve the quality of the relationships and well-being factors also, in both short and long terms, to promote the flourishing of individuals and social relationships. The chapter further elaborates on the association between state flow experience and flow synchronisation in relation to creativity and group performance.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
London: Routledge, 2022
National Category
Humanities and the Arts Social Sciences
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-61030 (URN)10.4324/9781003158790 (DOI)2-s2.0-85143717028 (Scopus ID)9781003158790 (ISBN)
Available from: 2022-11-28 Created: 2022-11-28 Last updated: 2022-12-21Bibliographically approved
Bzhalava, L., Hassan, S. S., Kaivo-oja, J., Köping Olsson, B. & Imran, J. (2022). Mapping the Wave of Industry Digitalization by Co-Word Analysis: An Exploration of Four Disruptive Industries. International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), 19(2)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Mapping the Wave of Industry Digitalization by Co-Word Analysis: An Exploration of Four Disruptive Industries
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2022 (English)In: International Journal of Innovation and Technology Management (IJITM), ISSN 0219-8770, Vol. 19, no 2Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This paper aims to identify global digital trends across industries and to map emerging business areas by co-word analysis. As the industrial landscape has become complex and dynamic due to the rapid pace of technological changes and digital transformation, identifying industrial trends can be critical for strategic planning and investment policy at the ¯rm and regional level. For this purpose, the paper examines industry and technology pro¯les of top startups across four industries (i.e. education, ¯nance, healthcare, manufacturing) using CrunchBase metadata for the period 2016–2018 and studies in which subsector early-stage ¯rms bring digital technologies on a global level. In particular, we apply word co-occurrence analysis to reveal which subindustry and digital technology keywords/keyphrases appear together in startup company classification. We also use network analysis to visualize industry structure and to identify digitalization trends across sectors. The results obtained from the analysis show that gamification and personalization are emerging trends in the education sector. In the finance industry, digital technologies penetrate in a wide set of services such as financial transactions, payments, insurance, venture capital, stock exchange, asset and risk management. Moreover, the data analyses indicate that health diagnostics and elderly care areas are at the forefront of the healthcare industry digitalization. In the manufacturing sector, startup companies focus on automating industrial processes and creating smart interconnected manufacturing. Finally, we discuss the implications of the study for strategic planning and management.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
World Scientific, 2022
Emerging technologies; digitalization; startup; innovation; entrepreneurship; trend analysis; co-word analysis; text mining; social network analysis; Python.
National Category
Engineering and Technology
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-56838 (URN)10.1142/s0219877022500018 (DOI)000733409600002 ()2-s2.0-85121984356 (Scopus ID)
EU, Horizon 2020, 832862
Available from: 2021-12-28 Created: 2021-12-28 Last updated: 2022-08-29Bibliographically approved
Köping Olsson, B. & Backström, T. (2021). Att leda kreativa processer i grupp över tid. Stockholm
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Att leda kreativa processer i grupp över tid
2021 (Swedish)Other (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Abstract [sv]

Syftet med denna bilaga till lärarhandledningen ”Teknikcollege modell för innovation och entreprenörskap” är att presentera en process inklusive instruktioner för ledning och facilitering av fyra faser i gruppbaserad kreativ problemlösning och idéutveckling, dvs. att leda kreativa processer i grupp över tid. Teoribildningen som ligger till grund för denna metodik är baserad på forskning vid avdelningen för innovationsledning, Mälardalens högskola. Dessa instruktioner för pedagogiskt ledarskap av gruppers kreativa processer utgör även underlag, och legitimitet, för utveckling av en sammanhållen modell för innovationsarbete och entreprenörskap såsom det praktiseras i processer för Blixtlåset och UF-företagande. 

Kreativitet är mycket viktigt i alla typer av verksamheter inte minst inom utbildning eftersom den driver upptäckande därmed lärande generellt. Mer specifikt utvecklar idégenerering ett bredare tänkande vilket har visat sig bidra positivt till elevernas sociala interaktion och ökad förståelse för olikheter. Det innebär, förutom utveckling av affärsidéer och företagande att detta även är viktiga förmågor i elevernas övriga studier och skolgång. I ett större perspektiv är kreativitet och förmåga till kreativt samarbete viktigt för demokratisk samhällsutveckling och framtida möjligheter att klara globala utmaningar.För att fortsätta lyckas med att ta fram nya lösningar och tänka såväl självständigt som tillsammans behöver eleverna aktiviteter under sin skoldag som gör det möjligt för dem att minimera funktionell fixering (ex. hämmande vanor) och istället utveckla förhållningssätt som är öppet för olika typer av nya upplevelser och förändrande synsätt, vilket är centralt i kreativitet. Forskning visar samband mellan flödande idégenerering och integrativt socialt beteende, där träning i att tänka kreativt (divergent) även utvecklar breddad uppmärksamhet. Träning av kreativitet i grupper bör därför vara återkommande aktiviteter som del av övrig undervisning eftersom detta utvecklar elevernas förmågor att ta initiativ och fatta beslut såväl individuellt som tillsammans.

Place, publisher, year, pages
Stockholm: , 2021. p. 48+21
Gruppkreativitet, Ledarskap, Konceptutveckling
National Category
Engineering and Technology
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-54027 (URN)
Available from: 2021-04-27 Created: 2021-04-27 Last updated: 2021-06-24Bibliographically approved
Österberg, P. & Köping Olsson, B. (2021). Dancing: A Strategy to Maintain Schoolchildren’s Openness for Idea Generation. Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, 92(3), 20-25
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Dancing: A Strategy to Maintain Schoolchildren’s Openness for Idea Generation
2021 (English)In: Journal of Physical Education, Recreation & Dance, ISSN 2168-3816, Vol. 92, no 3, p. 20-25Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

Schools are institutions responsible for teaching children new skills and knowledge, the ability to think about future targets, and, when problems become complex, how to apply explorative thinking and inborn creativity to solve them. Even so, scholars point to the fact that school curriculums do not support ways to facilitate explorative learning or creativity for problem-solving. To successfully devise solutions never considered before, children need support with programs enabling them to facilitate openness for experience intellectually. This study suggests that dance activities should become regular in the curriculum as a strategy for maintaining schoolchildren’s cognitive flexibility.

National Category
Engineering and Technology Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-53866 (URN)10.1080/07303084.2020.1866719 (DOI)000639878900004 ()2-s2.0-85103635039 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2021-04-13 Created: 2021-04-13 Last updated: 2021-06-21Bibliographically approved
Köping Olsson, B. (2018). Creativity – The Angel Or Devil In The Innovation Eden. In: Proceedings of The 5thParticipatory Innovation Conference,11-13 January in Eskilstuna, Sweden.: . Paper presented at Participatory Innovation Conference 2018, Eskilstuna, Sweden (pp. 167-176).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Creativity – The Angel Or Devil In The Innovation Eden
2018 (English)In: Proceedings of The 5thParticipatory Innovation Conference,11-13 January in Eskilstuna, Sweden., 2018, p. 167-176Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The purpose of this paper is to scrutinize the implementing an innovation work model in workplaces in regard to creativity. The main contribution is to discuss how creativity is understood in a commonplace innovation context today and to develop a deepened understanding of creativity and its constituents. In our case, it is the element of criticism that is underlined concerning the creative process. In order to enable sustainable and fruitful participatory innovation, in an everyday struggle for innovations, creativity needs to be practiced as the revitalizing potential and diversity-affirming force – sometimes not so pleasant – that is to be expected based on what definitions and descriptions suggests. With the support of examples from previous research and with reference to creative destruction that has been present in regard to change, in philosophy and national economics, since the nineteenth century, we argue that this rarely happens because of the way implementing participatory innovation processes is described, motivated and conducted. In short: In this presentation, we want to underline the importance of a critical element in creative processes aiming for innovations. We do this with support from voices withing contemporary projects and philosophy.

National Category
Engineering and Technology Other Engineering and Technologies
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-53870 (URN)
Participatory Innovation Conference 2018, Eskilstuna, Sweden
Available from: 2021-04-13 Created: 2021-04-13 Last updated: 2021-06-02Bibliographically approved
Köping Olsson, B. & Harmat, L. (2018). State Flow, Creativity And Flow Synchronization During Group Based Problem Solving Task. In: Proceedings of The 5thParticipatory Innovation Conference, 11-13 January in Eskilstuna, Sweden: . Paper presented at 5th Participatory Innovation Conference 2018, Eskilstuna, Sweden. (pp. 146-153).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>State Flow, Creativity And Flow Synchronization During Group Based Problem Solving Task
2018 (English)In: Proceedings of The 5thParticipatory Innovation Conference, 11-13 January in Eskilstuna, Sweden, 2018, p. 146-153Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Research on group creativity needs to develop methods that capture data at a group level in different ways. This pilot study uses newly validated tools in an experimental design and primary statistical processing and analysis of data in order to investigate whether the design and the tools are appropriate for a full-scale experiment. The psychological experience called Flow is operationalized as an expression of creativity at the group level (Team flow) that may occur during the performance of challenging activities in which all participating team members are completely involved in their common activity, and are working together intuitively and synergistically towards the common purpose and enhance team’s effectiveness, productivity and performance. This paper focuses on team members’ motivation and learning, engagement, concentration, experience of synchronization and coordination during a group based problem solving task and also test how these dimensions of the group flow experiences relates to individual state flow experiences.

National Category
Engineering and Technology Other Engineering and Technologies
Research subject
Innovation and Design
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-53869 (URN)
5th Participatory Innovation Conference 2018, Eskilstuna, Sweden.
Available from: 2021-04-13 Created: 2021-04-13 Last updated: 2021-06-02Bibliographically approved

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