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Redmalm, D., Persson, M. & Iversen, C. (2023). Robotic animals in dementia care: Conceptions of animality and humanity in care organizations. In: Linda Tallberg; Lindsay Hamilton (Ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies: (pp. 409-424). Oxford: Oxford University Press
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Robotic animals in dementia care: Conceptions of animality and humanity in care organizations
2023 (English)In: The Oxford Handbook of Animal Organization Studies / [ed] Linda Tallberg; Lindsay Hamilton, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023, p. 409-424Chapter in book (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Robotic animals in the shape of cats, dogs, and seals are increasingly used in dementia care. The robots are built to respond to users’ touch and talk for various purposes such as calming, activating, or entertaining patients. Drawing on media representations, marketing materials, reports of experts, and interviews with care workers we take a closer look at the ideas of animality that shape the robots and their application in care organizations. We find that the robots’ animality is described as connecting with a fundamental mammal aspect of our humanity. At the same time, concerns are raised that patients risk being dehumanized when robots replace human-to-human interaction, and the robots are thus treated as a threat to patients’ human dignity. The chapter discusses how notions of animality and a biopolitical understanding of the human as mammal play an integral role in robotized care organizations.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2023
animality, biopolitics, care organizations, care work, dementia, humanity, robots
National Category
Sociology Nursing Social Work
Research subject
Working Life Studies; Care Sciences; Social Work
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-64482 (URN)9780192848185 (ISBN)9780191943485 (ISBN)
AFA Insurance, 190170
Available from: 2023-10-07 Created: 2023-10-07 Last updated: 2023-12-07Bibliographically approved
Redmalm, D., Persson, M. & Iversen, C. (2022). Svarta katter och vita lögner: Social robotik i demensvården. In: Välfärd - för vem? Om arbetsvillkor inom omsorg och gig: Arbetslivskonferens på Arbetets museum, Book of abstracts. Paper presented at Välfärd för vem? Om arbetsvillkor inom omsorg och gig, Norrköping, Sweden, 6-7 October, 2022 (pp. 15).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Svarta katter och vita lögner: Social robotik i demensvården
2022 (Swedish)In: Välfärd - för vem? Om arbetsvillkor inom omsorg och gig: Arbetslivskonferens på Arbetets museum, Book of abstracts, 2022, p. 15-Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Other (popular science, discussion, etc.))
Abstract [sv]

Katt- och hundrobotar har blivit ett allt vanligare inslag i äldreomsorgen. Robotarna imiterar djurs läten och rörelser och kan användas för att lugna och avleda användare. De kan också användas för att aktivera personer genom att de inbjuder till interaktion mellan vårdtagare, vårdgivare och robot. Robotarna är utvecklade för att skapa en illusion av ett levande djur – en del modeller har ett mekaniskt hjärta som kan kännas genom pälsen, och kattrobotarna kan spinna, med purrande och vibrationer. Det här ställer frågor om transparens och ärlighet på sin spets. Enligt Statens medicinsk-etiska råds riktlinjer ska vårdgivare inte vilseleda patienter om robotarnas egenskaper och kapacitet, eftersom det då gör det omöjligt för patienter att göra ett informerat ställningstagande när de erbjuds att använda robotar. I en pågående studie om sociala robotar i demensvården ser vi dock att det är vanligt att vårdgivare talar om och hanterar robotarna som om de vore verkliga katter och hundar. Genom exempel visar vi hur personalen på detta sätt gör robotarna levande, och hur vårdgivare reflekterar kring sitt sätt att använda robotarna. Ofta är det svårt att dra en skarp gräns mellan sanning och lögn, eftersom personalens agerande ofta handlar om att bekräfta vårdtagares upplevelser. Vi föreslår därför alternativa sätt att förstå det som händer i interaktionen mellan vårdtagare, vårdgivare och robot, för att bidra till en nyanserad diskussion om robotik och vita lögner inom demensvården.

Arbetsliv, arbetsmiljö, demens, digitalisering, integritet, lögner, medbestämmande, robotisering, samtycke, äldreomsorg
National Category
Sociology Social Psychology Nursing
Research subject
Working Life Studies
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-60182 (URN)
Välfärd för vem? Om arbetsvillkor inom omsorg och gig, Norrköping, Sweden, 6-7 October, 2022
AFA Insurance, 190170
Available from: 2022-10-11 Created: 2022-10-11 Last updated: 2022-10-11Bibliographically approved
Persson, M., Redmalm, D. & Iversen, C. (2021). Robotisering och arbetslivets omorganisering [Review]. Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, 27(3), 72-78
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Robotisering och arbetslivets omorganisering
2021 (Swedish)In: Arbetsmarknad & Arbetsliv, ISSN 1400-9692, E-ISSN 2002-343X, Vol. 27, no 3, p. 72-78Article, book review (Other academic) Published
Abstract [sv]

Litteraturen inom området robotar och AI (artificiell intelligens) har formligen exploderat under de senaste åren, vilket har att göra med att robotar har börjat användas på bred front inom allt fler sektorer. Industrisektorn har redan många decenniers erfarenheter av att ersätta mänskliga arbetsmoment med (semi-)automatiserade maskiner. Idag introduceras robotar även i andra sektorer som skola, vård och omsorg. Denna recensionsessä behandlar tre nyutkomna böcker på ämnet, varav två är antologier. Syftet är att diskutera en fråga som genomsyrar dem alla, nämligen robotiseringens betydelse för människors sätt att organisera sitt arbete. 

alienation, arbetsliv, arbetsmiljö, automatisering, digitalisering, robotisering
National Category
Sociology Social Psychology Business Administration
Research subject
Working Life Studies
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-56108 (URN)
Arbetsmiljö i den robotiserade demensvården: sociala robotars betydelse för vårdgivares arbetssätt och arbetsmiljö
AFA Insurance, 190170
Available from: 2021-10-06 Created: 2021-10-06 Last updated: 2023-08-28Bibliographically approved
Persson, M. (2021). Robotkatter och vita lögner i demensvården. Äldre i centrum (3), 108-110
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Robotkatter och vita lögner i demensvården
2021 (Swedish)In: Äldre i centrum, ISSN 1653-3585, no 3, p. 108-110Article in journal (Other academic) Published
Abstract [sv]

Inom demensvården blir så kallade sociala robotar allt vanligare som hjälpmedel för att dämpa oro och stimulera till samtal. De är designade att efterlikna katter, hundar och andra djur. Kritiska röster anser att användandet av robotar innebär ett bedrägeri, men det finns tydliga gränsdragningsproblem.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Stockholm: , 2021
Arbetsliv, arbetsmiljö, demens, digitalisering, robotisering, äldreomsorg
National Category
Sociology Social Psychology Nursing
Research subject
Working Life Studies; Care Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-56109 (URN)
Arbetsmiljö i den robotiserade demensvården: sociala robotars betydelse för vårdgivares arbetssätt och arbetsmiljö
AFA Insurance, 190170
Available from: 2021-10-06 Created: 2021-10-06 Last updated: 2022-10-19Bibliographically approved
Gynne, A. & Persson, M. (2018). Teacher Roles in the Blended Classroom - Swedish Lower Secondary School Teachers' Boundary Management between Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces. Journal of Computer and Education Research, 6(12), 222-246
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Teacher Roles in the Blended Classroom - Swedish Lower Secondary School Teachers' Boundary Management between Physical and Virtual Learning Spaces
2018 (English)In: Journal of Computer and Education Research, E-ISSN 2148-2896, Vol. 6, no 12, p. 222-246Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The purpose of the study is to explore how Swedish lower secondary school teachers manage blended learning environments, established through using a specific learning management system (LMS) application. In the study, four teachers were followed during a four-month (n)ethnographic fieldwork. Based on analyses of data from video-recordings and observations in physical and virtual classrooms, the study examines teachers’ practices of integrating and segmenting the two classroom domains. In order to unpack the realms of these practices, the study employs affordance and boundary theories. Through the analysis of participants’ boundary practices and their use of communicative affordances in and across space and time, four teacher roles, enacted and emerging through teaching practices, are presented. The paper concludes with a discussion of how participants’ engagement with virtual and physical learning environment compels teachers to reflect upon their preferred teacher role in the new multidimensional classrooms.

blended classroom, affordances, boundary work, chaining, teacher role
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-42696 (URN)10.18009/jcer.442499 (DOI)
Lärarpraktiker online-offline
Available from: 2019-02-14 Created: 2019-02-14 Last updated: 2021-02-16Bibliographically approved
Thunman, E. & Persson, M. (2015). Justifying the authentic self: Swedish public service workers talking about work stress. Forum qualitative Sozialforschung, 16(1)
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Justifying the authentic self: Swedish public service workers talking about work stress
2015 (English)In: Forum qualitative Sozialforschung, E-ISSN 1438-5627, Vol. 16, no 1Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This study is based on in-depth interviews with 28 Swedish public service workers. With the help of narrative analysis, we explore how the workers use language to explain their subjective experiences of work stress. Based on a three-level typology, this article examines: 1. the narrative ielements in the workers' talk about their stress; 2. the narrative strategies they use in positioning or presenting themselves as "stressed"; and 3. the function of the narratives in a societal context. The study shows the following main results: 1. the workers express feelings of shame when talking about their experiences of work stress; 2. they use justifying accounts, e.g. accepting responsibility for becoming ill; and 3. it is suggested that the public service workers' justifications reflect societal demands of being authentic and true to personal values, and that the dominating expressed value is about a public service ethos.

Accounts, Authenticity, Interview, Narrative analysis, Public service ethos, Public service workers, Stress
National Category
Health Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-27524 (URN)2-s2.0-84921950952 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2015-02-13 Created: 2015-02-13 Last updated: 2020-01-30Bibliographically approved
Persson, M. (2014). ‘No, Facebook isn’t distracting me, I can study at night’: ICT habits and boundary management among Estonian secondary pupils. Studies of Transition States and Societies, 6(2), 22-38
Open this publication in new window or tab >>‘No, Facebook isn’t distracting me, I can study at night’: ICT habits and boundary management among Estonian secondary pupils
2014 (English)In: Studies of Transition States and Societies, ISSN 1736-874X, E-ISSN 1736-8758, Vol. 6, no 2, p. 22-38Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The topic of this article is the use of information and communication technologies (computers, tablets, and mobile phones) in adolescents and boundary management between mental domains (school and home domain). More specifically, how do Estonian secondary pupils perceive and manage mental boundaries between school work and leisure activities in environments with ubiquitous access to ICT. Building on a mixed methods study consisting of a web survey with structured, closed-ended questions and of focus groups, this study shows that the pupils use ICT for leisure and school work to a great extent, both at school and at home, enabling learning outside of schools as well as leisure activities within schools. The study also shows how the pupils use ICT to integrate and segment school work and leisure activities, at home and in school; and although shifting between mental domains and different genres of participation may have positive effects on pupils’ learning lives, the pupils’ problematic experiences of navigating between domains must be addressed to understand the complexity of living and learning in the e-society.

ICT, boundary work, pupils, estonia
National Category
Social Sciences Sociology
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-26735 (URN)2-s2.0-84913599762 (Scopus ID)
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond
Available from: 2014-12-01 Created: 2014-12-01 Last updated: 2020-01-30Bibliographically approved
Persson, M. (2013). "Loli: I Love It, I Live with It": Exploring the Practice of Nicknaming Mobile Phones. Human IT, 12(2), 76-107
Open this publication in new window or tab >>"Loli: I Love It, I Live with It": Exploring the Practice of Nicknaming Mobile Phones
2013 (English)In: Human IT, ISSN 1402-151X, Vol. 12, no 2, p. 76-107Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

By exploring the newly identified phenomenon of giving mobile phones personal nicknames, the present article contributes with knowledge about the socio-material relationships between mobile phones and the self. Building on previous research, the study examines typologies and social functions of mobile phone nicknames. The study shows how the respondents’ use mobile phone nicknames for interpersonal communication and group identity practices, but also to symbolize private relationships with the device in which no other human than the name-giver is involved. By examining the respondents’ use of the mobile phone, I argue that the role of the mobile phone in the lives of individuals is more complex than previously recognized, not only functioning as mediator or icon of the self, but also as companion to the self.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Borås: , 2013
human-object relationships, mobile phones, nicknames, survey, symbolic interactionism
National Category
Social Psychology
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-22137 (URN)
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, RMP10-1125:1
Available from: 2013-10-24 Created: 2013-10-24 Last updated: 2020-01-30Bibliographically approved
Persson, M. & Thunman, E. (2013). Teachers’ Access to and Use of ICT: An Indicator of Growing Inequity in Swedish Schools. Contemporary Educational Technology, 4(3), 155-171
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Teachers’ Access to and Use of ICT: An Indicator of Growing Inequity in Swedish Schools
2013 (English)In: Contemporary Educational Technology, ISSN 1309-517X, Vol. 4, no 3, p. 155-171Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

In light of how the knowledge society may give rise to new forms of inequity in schools, the purpose of this article is to examine the stratification of Swedish schoolteachers’ access to and use of ICT. The empirical data consistof a nationwide surveyconducted in 2010, involving 6000 Swedish teachers in all grades (except pre-school and university).Accounting for teachers’ age, gender, grade, and principal organization, bivariate analyses were conducted. The study finds significant differences between teacher’s age and principal organization, indicating a growing gap between teachers in public versus independent schools. The finding is discussed in relation to the current researchand its potential consequences for equitable learning activities

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Anadolu, Turkiet: , 2013
Teachers; ICT; Sweden; Knowledge society; Equity
National Category
Research subject
Care Sciences within Health and Welfare
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-22139 (URN)
Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, RMP10-1125:1
Available from: 2013-10-24 Created: 2013-10-24 Last updated: 2020-01-30Bibliographically approved

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