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Sundqvist, P., Berg, B. & Nilsson, T. (2024). ECE teachers’ perceptions of a MOOC-inspired PD-program - problematizing the scientific basis for effective PD for ECE teachers. In: 32nd EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Developing Sustainable Early Childhood Education Systems: Comparisons, Contexts and the CognoscentiBrighton, United Kingdom 3rd – 6th September 2024. Programme of Symposia.: . Paper presented at 32nd EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Developing Sustainable Early Childhood Education Systems: Comparisons, Contexts and the Cognoscenti, Brighton, United Kingdom.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>ECE teachers’ perceptions of a MOOC-inspired PD-program - problematizing the scientific basis for effective PD for ECE teachers
2024 (English)In: 32nd EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Developing Sustainable Early Childhood Education Systems: Comparisons, Contexts and the CognoscentiBrighton, United Kingdom 3rd – 6th September 2024. Programme of Symposia., 2024Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Developing sustainable early childhood education (ECE) demands competent staff. For this, regular professional development (PD) is significant. This study aims to problematise choices about scientific basis for PD-programs for ECE teachers. A concept for PD that has drawn attention the last years is massive open online courses (MOOC). Although researched and found promising for PD (e.g Herranen et al. 2021), the concept is not entirely compatible with other research on effective PD (Desimone, 2009). We draw on Desimone’s (2009) program theory for effective PD which include five core features: content focus, coherence, active learning, duration and collective participation. This will be discussed in relation to the results and problematised in relation to MOOC. This ongoing study is conducted within a qualitative research paradigm. Through a qualitative content analysis (Hsieh & Shannon, 2005) of the 14 participants' written and oral evaluations of a PD-program designed with inspiration from the MOOC-concept, we study their perceptions of the form of the PD-program. In line with the guidelines of the Swedish research council (2017) consent was collected after the participants had been informed in writing about the aim of the research, valuntary participation and confidential treatment of personal data. Early results show the participants even before starting the PD-program recognized the lack of one core feature - collective participation - as they themselves organized meetings to discuss the course content. The results will contribute knowledge about whether the MOOC inspired PD-program is perceived to provide an effective learning environment for early childhood teachers.

professional development, MOOC, scientific basis, core features, teacher perceptions
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-68547 (URN)
32nd EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Developing Sustainable Early Childhood Education Systems: Comparisons, Contexts and the Cognoscenti, Brighton, United Kingdom
Available from: 2024-09-30 Created: 2024-09-30 Last updated: 2025-01-07Bibliographically approved
Catucci, E., Berg, B. & Ärlemalm-Hagser, E. (2024). 'There are plenty of opportunities for play and learning' - Swedish preschool teachers' perspectives on using the outdoor environment as a pedagogical resource. Cogent Education, 11(1), Article ID 2369971.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>'There are plenty of opportunities for play and learning' - Swedish preschool teachers' perspectives on using the outdoor environment as a pedagogical resource
2024 (English)In: Cogent Education, E-ISSN 2331-186X, Vol. 11, no 1, article id 2369971Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

This study examines five preschool teachers' narratives about using the outdoor environment as a pedagogical resource for children's play, learning and experiences in Swedish preschools. Participants were asked to reflect on both opportunities and challenges in outdoor play and learning. The present study responds to the need for further research on how the outdoor environment is used in daily pedagogical practice through the lens of preschool teachers' own descriptions. The study is built on interpretive qualitative research, a form of narrative inquiry that uses concepts such as place and didactic sensitivity in the analysis. The findings show how the participants highlight many opportunities for children to engage in play and learning activities in the outdoor environment. The importance of educators' involvement and pedagogical commitment is also emphasised. However, constraints related to lack of variation, access, and teacher commitment are clearly identified as hindering the use of the outdoor environment as a pedagogical resource.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Taylor & Francis, 2024
Didactic sensitivity, outdoor environment, play and learning, preschool teachers
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-68066 (URN)10.1080/2331186X.2024.2369971 (DOI)001263016800001 ()2-s2.0-85197497967 (Scopus ID)
Available from: 2024-07-17 Created: 2024-07-17 Last updated: 2024-07-17Bibliographically approved
Berg, B. & Sundqvist, P. (2024). Viktigt men inte roligt – förskollärarstudenters attityder till matematik. Nordisk Barnehageforskning, 21(4), 132-152
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Viktigt men inte roligt – förskollärarstudenters attityder till matematik
2024 (Swedish)In: Nordisk Barnehageforskning, E-ISSN 1890-9167, Vol. 21, no 4, p. 132-152Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [sv]

Tidigare forskning visar att blivande och verksamma förskollärare ofta har negativa attityder och lågt självförtroende i matematik. Dessa attityder påverkar deras undervisning och barns möjligheter att lära sig. Förskollärarutbildningen behöver adressera studenternas attityder och främja positiva attityder gentemot matematik. Denna studie syftar till att undersöka blivande förskollärares attityder mot matematik, hur dessa förändras under utbildningen och vilka faktorer i utbildningen som påverkar förändringarna. Studenter i tre stadier av programmet deltar – i termin 1, termin 3 och termin 5. En tvådimensionell definition av attityd anammas och en kortversion av Attitudes Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) används tillsammans med öppna frågor och intervjuer. Resultaten visar att studenternas attityder är negativa i den affektiva komponenten men neutrala till positiva i den kognitiva komponenten. De flesta studenterna i termin 5 upplever en positiv förändring i attityd under utbildningen på grund av positiva och tillgängliga lärare, ökad kunskap om matematik i förskolan samt utvecklad ämneskunskap vilket de får ”kvitto” på när de klarat ämnestentamen

Abstract [en]

Previous research shows that many prospective and early childhood teachers have negative attitudes and low self-confidence in mathematics. These negative attitudes affect their teaching and children’s opportunities to learn mathematics. It is crucial that early childhood teacher education (ECTE) address students’ attitudes and work to promote positive attitudes towards mathematics. The aim of this study is to investigate prospective teachers’ attitudes towards mathematics, whether and how their attitudes change during ECTE and what might cause the changes. Students in three stages of the program participate – in semester 1, semester 3 and semester 5. A two-dimensional definition of attitude is adopted and a short version of the Attitudes Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) is used together with open-ended questions and interviews. The results show that the students’ attitudes are negative within the affective component and neutral to positive within the cognitive component. Most of the students in semester 5 experience a positive change in attitude during education due to positive and accessible teachers, increased knowledge of what mathematics in preschool can be and developed subject knowledge.

matematik, attityd, förskollärarstudenter, förskollärarutbildning
National Category
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-69226 (URN)10.23865/nbf.v21.501 (DOI)
Available from: 2024-11-27 Created: 2024-11-27 Last updated: 2024-12-04Bibliographically approved
Sundqvist, P. & Berg, B. (2023). Preservice teachers´ attitudes towards mathematics. In: 31st EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Children’s Curiosity, Agency and Participation :Challenges for Professional Action and Development Cascais near Lisbon, Portugal 30th August – 2nd September 2023 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Book of Abstracts. Paper presented at 31st EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Children’s Curiosity, Agency and Participation :Challenges for Professional Action and Development Cascais near Lisbon, Portugal 30th August – 2nd September 2023 (pp. 208).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Preservice teachers´ attitudes towards mathematics
2023 (English)In: 31st EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Children’s Curiosity, Agency and Participation :Challenges for Professional Action and Development Cascais near Lisbon, Portugal 30th August – 2nd September 2023 CONFERENCE PROCEEDINGS: Book of Abstracts, 2023, p. 208-Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

Researchers emphasise the importance for early childhood teacher education (ECTE) to promote positive attitudes towardsmathematics (Hollingsworth & Knight McKennas, 2018). The aim of this study is to investigate preservice teachers' attitudes totowards mathematics, whether and how attitudes change during ECTE and what might cause the changes. Previous research showsthat many preservice and early childhood teachers have low self-confidence and negative attitudes towards mathematics (Gresham& Burleigh, 2019; Hollingsworth & Knight McKenna, 2018; Linder & Simpson, 2018; Palmer, 2010). These negative attitudesinfluence their teaching of mathematics, which in turn affects children’s possibilities to learn (Geist, 2015; Knaus, 2017; Linder &Simpson; 2018; Youmans et al., 2018). We use the concept of attitude and adopt a multidimensional definition, where cognitive aswell as affective and behavioral components are included (Wen & Dube, 2022). We will use a short form of Tapia and Marsh's (2004)Attitudes Towards Mathematics Inventory (ATMI) questionnaire, developed and tested by Lim and Chapman (2013), together withcomplementing open questions. Ethical considerations are made according to the guidelines of the Swedish Research Council (2017).Based on the results, we will describe preservice teachers' attitudes towards mathematics during different parts of their education,as well as what influences these and how ECTE can contribute to promoting positive attitudes. The study can provide knowledgeabout how ECTE can support the development of positive attitudes towards mathematics, with the ultimate aim to enable earlychildhood education teachers to teach mathematics using children’s curiosity and interest.

early childhood teacher education, mathematics, attitudes, preservice teacher, questionnaire
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-64670 (URN)
31st EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE Children’s Curiosity, Agency and Participation :Challenges for Professional Action and Development Cascais near Lisbon, Portugal 30th August – 2nd September 2023
Available from: 2023-11-06 Created: 2023-11-06 Last updated: 2023-11-06Bibliographically approved
Berg, B. (2022). Undervisningsbegreppets innebörd i förskolan utifrån ett läroplansteoretiskt perspektiv. Educare (3), 75-97
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Undervisningsbegreppets innebörd i förskolan utifrån ett läroplansteoretiskt perspektiv
2022 (Swedish)In: Educare, ISSN 1653-1868, E-ISSN 2004-5190, no 3, p. 75-97Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The purpose of the study is to contribute knowledge about how teaching in preschool can be understood in relation to how teaching is described by preschool teachers. The following research questions were posed:How do preschool teachers describe teaching and its meaning in preschool? and What didactic questions appear in preschool teachers’ descriptions of teaching in preschool? The empirical data consist of reflective texts that were analysed through content analysis with the help of Bernstein’s concepts: classification and framing, and visible and invisible pedagogy. The results show that the preschool teachers in the study perceived the introduction of the concept of teaching in preschool as an opportunity, which allowed them to become more aware of their actions in different learning situations. That the preschool teachers described teaching taking place through play and in everyday situations based on children's interests and needs hints at an organization with invisible pedagogy, weak classification and weak framing. Strong classification and strong framing, on the other hand, became manifest when the preschool teachers described that they plan what they do with the children and use materials, organize children’s groups and design environments to promote children’s learning. Furthermore, the preschool teachers focused mainly on the didactic questions of how and why, while the what-question received less attention.

Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Malmö: Educare - Vetenskapliga Skrifter, 2022
classification, curriculum, framing, preschool teacher, teaching
National Category
Educational Sciences
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-59277 (URN)10.24834/educare.2022.3.4 (DOI)
Available from: 2022-06-22 Created: 2022-06-22 Last updated: 2023-03-28Bibliographically approved
Berg, B. & Franzén, K. (2019). Teaching mathematics in early childhood education -a systematic literature review. In: 29th EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Early Years: Making it Count, Thessaloniki, Greece 20th – 23rd August 2019, Abstract book: . Paper presented at EECERA Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece 20th – 23rd August 2019 (pp. 112-112).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Teaching mathematics in early childhood education -a systematic literature review
2019 (English)In: 29th EECERA ANNUAL CONFERENCE, Early Years: Making it Count, Thessaloniki, Greece 20th – 23rd August 2019, Abstract book, 2019, p. 112-112Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

The aim of the study is to find similarities and differences concerning the new formulations on teaching in revised curriculum in Swedish preschool and international research in early childhood education, Teaching is more clarified in the revised curriculum. Swedish preschool education is moving towards a more formalized approach where teaching is more visible (Helenius, 2018). There is a consensus that early mathematics is important in policy and research but there is no agreement on how mathematics education should be implemented. There are differences between and within countries, a clear difference is the relation between play and teaching (Palmér & Björklund, 2016). The concepts of classification and framing are used to discuss the visibility of pedagogics in the formalization of teaching mathematics in preschool (Bernstein, 2000). This is a literature review regarding research on teaching mathematics in early childhood education. It draws from a number of scholarly research article conducted between 2014 and 2019. The data collection is in progress. Qualitative and quantitative content analysis will compare emerged codes. The expected results will consist of empirical research. Ethical consideration is met by showing respect and responsiveness to other researchers work. This literature review is based on peer-reviewed articles. Preliminary findings indicate differences in how teaching mathematics in preschool is described. Preschool in Sweden has a tradition of a play-based pedagogy and no formal assessment of children as many other countries. Perhaps, the change may push teaching to become more visible and formal (Helenius, 2018). Implications for policy and practice will be discussed.

National Category
Social Sciences Educational Sciences
Research subject
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-45295 (URN)
EECERA Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece 20th – 23rd August 2019
Available from: 2019-09-24 Created: 2019-09-24 Last updated: 2022-11-25Bibliographically approved
Ärlemalm-Hagser, E., Berg, B. & Sandberg, A. (2018). Economic sustainability in Swedish preschools.: Preschool teachers and preschools as political-economic actors. Utbildning och Demokrati, 27(2), 15-36
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Economic sustainability in Swedish preschools.: Preschool teachers and preschools as political-economic actors
2018 (English)In: Utbildning och Demokrati, ISSN 1102-6472, E-ISSN 2001-7316, Vol. 27, no 2, p. 15-36Article in journal (Refereed) Published
Abstract [en]

The aim of this article is to scrutinize education for sustainability (EfS) in Swedish preschools, and especially how preschool teachers have articulated their work with economic sustainability objectives in practice. In this study we used an action-research methodology, and six preschool teachers from three preschools participated in the study. The theoretical framework was guided by critical theory, which was also used as a conceptual tool to explore agency and shared understandings as different ways of dealing with economic sustainability. The findings demonstrated that at the beginning of the project the preschool teachers did not view economic sustainability as part of the preschool’s objectives and activities, or the children’s learning. Nevertheless, in the dialogues between preschool teachers and researchers it became clear that the preschool teachers worked with these issues daily in their routines and in children’s activities and play.

National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-45172 (URN)
Available from: 2019-09-07 Created: 2019-09-07 Last updated: 2019-09-13Bibliographically approved
Berg, B. & Ärlemalm-Hagser, E. (2018). Economical sustainability in Swedish preschool. In: : . Paper presented at EECERA 28:e konferens (European Early Childhood Education Research Association) Budapest, Hungary 28th August - 31st August 2018.
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Economical sustainability in Swedish preschool
2018 (English)Conference paper, Oral presentation with published abstract (Refereed)
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-41062 (URN)
EECERA 28:e konferens (European Early Childhood Education Research Association) Budapest, Hungary 28th August - 31st August 2018
Available from: 2018-09-28 Created: 2018-09-28 Last updated: 2018-12-10Bibliographically approved
Ärlemalm- Hagser, E., Berg, B., Sandberg, A. & Ryve, A. (2017). Praxisnära kunskapsutbildning: Förskolebarns matematiska förståelse och bekantskap med hållbar finansiell utveckling. Västerås
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Praxisnära kunskapsutbildning: Förskolebarns matematiska förståelse och bekantskap med hållbar finansiell utveckling
2017 (Swedish)Report (Other academic)
Place, publisher, year, edition, pages
Västerås: , 2017
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-36410 (URN)
Available from: 2017-09-11 Created: 2017-09-11 Last updated: 2017-12-21Bibliographically approved
Berg, B., Hemmi, K. & Karlberg, M. (2015). Support or Restriction: Swedish Primary School Teachers' Views on Mathematics Curriculum Reform. In: Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education: . Paper presented at 19th International Conference on Mathematical Beliefs (MAVI), Freiburg, GERMANY, SEP 25-28, 2013 (pp. 67-80).
Open this publication in new window or tab >>Support or Restriction: Swedish Primary School Teachers' Views on Mathematics Curriculum Reform
2015 (English)In: Views and Beliefs in Mathematics Education, 2015, p. 67-80Conference paper, Published paper (Refereed)
Abstract [en]

This paper reports the results of a quantitative study on primary teachers' (n=253) views on the introduction of steering documents and national examinations for Grade 3. While the majority of the teachers experience the reform as empowering, some teachers feel the new curriculum and the national examination restrict their teacher professionalism. We found differences in how teachers viewed the reform depending on whether they had graduated before or after the reform in 1994. The differing views can be connected to teachers' beliefs about teacher professionalism and the relation between teaching, learning and maturing. We discuss our findings also in the light of curriculum development during the last four decades.

teacher beliefs, curriculum reform, teacher professionalism, primary school, mathematics
National Category
Educational Sciences
urn:nbn:se:mdh:diva-33052 (URN)10.1007/978-3-658-09614-4_6 (DOI)000380769000006 ()978-3-658-09614-4 (ISBN)
External cooperation:
19th International Conference on Mathematical Beliefs (MAVI), Freiburg, GERMANY, SEP 25-28, 2013
Available from: 2016-09-01 Created: 2016-09-01 Last updated: 2016-09-01Bibliographically approved

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